Privacy Policy

This privacy policy contains information about what personal data is collected, the key principles of processing the data and the rights that you have related to your personal data. The details of the data controller collecting personal data through this website and processing data under these principles can be found at the end of this privacy policy.

We will use the contact details you provide us by completing this survey at also for providing the survey results to you by e-mail.

For what purposes do we collect and use your personal data and from which sources?

We collect, store and use personal data in order to perform a market survey in the field of calibration and instrumentation, for filtering the survey results and for sending you the survey results by e-mail. All personal data we collect for the above purposes is received through this website.

What is the basis for processing your data?

We make sure that we have a legal basis to use your personal data. We collect and use personal data primarily based on our legitimate interest of executing market surveys, but only to the extent it is not overridden by interests for your fundamental rights and freedoms, especially in relation to privacy. Some personal data we may use based on your consent

Who uses the data and is it transferred to anyone else?

Primarily your personal data is used by people in relevant functions within our own organization. We may also outsource some parts of the data processing to third parties, such as the data systems used to store and process personal data as well as some marketing functions. In these situations, we make sure that the confidentiality of your personal data is secured, and data is otherwise used lawfully. We may also disclose information to fulfill our other contractual or legal obligations or when a legal authority requires a disclosure.

Is your data transferred outside the European Union (EU)?

In some situations, the transfer of personal data outside the EU is possible, mainly relating to storing the data. If data is transferred outside the EU, we make sure that your data is transferred and processed in a legal manner with adequate safeguards, including contractual clauses and other documentation.

How long is your personal data stored?

We will not store your personal data for a longer period than is necessary for its purpose or required by contract or law. The storage times for personal data may vary based on its purpose and the situation. We also intend to keep your data up to date. When the personal data is no longer needed for its purpose or is obsolete, we aim to delete it from our records.

How is your personal data stored and kept secure?

Your data is stored on the servers provided by our service providers, which are secured according to general industry standards and practices. We consider and keep your personal data confidential and do not disclose them to anyone else at Beamex than those who need it for their work or confidentially to our specific partners based on contracts we have made with them. Access to your personal data has been protected with user-specific logins, passwords and user rights.

Is it mandatory to provide personal data? What happens if you don’t give it to us?

By default, it is not mandatory to provide us personal data. It is not mandatory to take surveys through this website. You can fill in the survey without giving your personal data, but that means that we are not able to share the results with you.

What rights do you have relating to your personal data?

Withdraw your consent
If we process personal data based on your consent, you can at any time withdraw your consent by notifying us, for instance by sending an email to Access to data
You have the right to get a confirmation if we are processing your personal data and to know what data we have about you. In addition, you have the right to some supplemental information described in the law about the processing activities. Right to have errors corrected
You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate or outdated personal data we have about you. Right to prohibit direct marketing
You have the right to request that your personal data is not processed for direct marketing purposes by sending an email to Right to object processing
If we process your personal data based on public interest or our legitimate interest, you have the right to object the processing of your data, to the extent that there is no such significant reason that would override your rights, or the processing is not necessary for handling legal claims. Please note that in this situation we may not be able to serve you anymore. right to restrict processing
In certain situations, you have the right to require that we restrict the processing of your personal data. right to data portability
If we process your personal data based on your consent or the fulfilling of a contract, you have the right to require the transfer of data you have provided to us to another service provider in a commonly used electronic format.

How can you use your rights?

You can execute and use your rights by contacting us, for instance by sending an email to Remember that we need to use reasonable measures to verify your identity before you can use your rights to ensure that your data is not shared with anyone else. If you consider that the processing of your personal data is not lawful, you can always also make a notification to a supervisory authority. Who is the data controller collecting personal data? Who can you contact in privacy matters?

The data controller processing personal data under the terms of this privacy policy is Beamex Oy Ab: